Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Conversation Among Public

Every student in MAN Surabaya must be able to speak English and Arabic as the language of several worlds. And in this part, the delegations of MAN-ECC show in front of audiences to speak and conversation about the Muslim in Modern era, especially in MAN Surabaya.
MAN Surabaya not only educate in Syari'ah part but in modern science too. For Example: Arabic Language and English Club, Computer, Robotic, Web-Blog, etc. And in the video below is the example of Students Conversation in MAN Surabaya.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Music In ECC By Performance

Music is an art form whose medium is sound organized in time. Common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.
The MAN ECC creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context. Music ranges from strictly organized compositions (and their recreation in performance), through improvisational music to aleatoric forms. Music can be divided into genres and subgenres, although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, sometimes open to individual interpretation, and occasionally controversial. Within "the arts", music may be classified as a performing art, a fine art, and auditory art.

Art Apresiation With ECC

ECC (English Conversation Club) is the guide program is a fully integrated speaking, reading, and writing program for MAN (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri) Surabaya students of English As a second language, the program is based on an interactive pedagogy that values collaboration and meaningful communication as powerful tools for learning.
The pedagogy takes the form of groups activities in which students discuss about how to speak English with native speaker.
MAN Surabaya will have given to opportunity for the students to understand the importance to care in practice, the pedagogy takes the form of groups activities in the school.
In observing students are using the guide book, we have been pleased to see how much fun they have, how eager they read and write, and how quickly their command of English grows.
They become more critical and focused in their thinking, more insightful and analytic about life around them, and more connective and integrative in their relationship to guide book and tutor.

By. Mr. Surawan, S.Pd


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PMB) di MAN 09-10

Di MAN telah dibuka pendaftaran bagi siswa-siswi yang ingin melanjutkan studynya ke Madrasah Aliyah Negeri.

Pendaftaran Di MAN terdiri atas:

Gelombang Pertama
* Pendaftaran jalur non tes (Prestasi) dibuka mulai tanggal 1 - 20 Juni 2009
* Seleksi Berkas tanggal 22 Juni 2009
* Pengumuman Seleksi berkas tanggal 22 Juni 2009
* Daftar Ulang Jalur Prestasi tanggal 23 - 24 Juni 2009

Gelombang Kedua

* Pendaftaran jalur reguler dibuka mulai tanggal 22 juni - 3 Juli 2009
* Tes seleksi tanggal 4 Juli 2009
* Pengumuman hasil tes seleksi tanggal 4 Juli 2009
* Daftar Ulang Jalur Reguler tanggal 6 - 10 Juli 2009

Pra Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS) tanggal 11 Juli 2009
Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS) tanggal 13,14,15 Juli 2009
Masuk Sekolah tanggal 16 Juli 2009

Good Luck!!!