Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Conversation Among Public

Every student in MAN Surabaya must be able to speak English and Arabic as the language of several worlds. And in this part, the delegations of MAN-ECC show in front of audiences to speak and conversation about the Muslim in Modern era, especially in MAN Surabaya.
MAN Surabaya not only educate in Syari'ah part but in modern science too. For Example: Arabic Language and English Club, Computer, Robotic, Web-Blog, etc. And in the video below is the example of Students Conversation in MAN Surabaya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah MAN Surabaya sudah mempunyai blog yang bagus, sayangnya beritanya kurang pak, lanjutkan dan semoga diberkahi Allah serta bermanfaat bagi orang banyak. Amin...